6 Types Of Diseases That Often Strike The Kitten - Congratulations, finally our cat has given birth to her children! Our family will grow again with the arrival of the kitty-cat this small. Baby cat is very funny because such a small-sized fur bundle, but of course these babies will grow up to be active kittens and a great curiosity, before he eventually becomes an adult cat is full of confidence. Although it looks active and tend to want to explore the surrounding area as soon as possible, but the immune system is not yet fully developed kittens as in adult cats, therefore more risky kittens affected by illness or other health problems when they were younger.
Keep the kittens stay with its mother for certain periods it is strongly recommended that the kitten get kekebalannya through its mother's milk. In addition we can minimize the risk so that the kitten was not affected by the disease by ensuring that older cats don't go out or meet with other cats until they were given the vaccine. Yet we must still be vigilant because there are some health problems that are normally common in older cats. Curious about anything? Cattery.co.id will discuss it for catlovers.
1. Upper respiratory tract infections
Upper respiratory tract infections, such as feline calicivirus and feline herpes virus is famous as the "killer kitten", especially if the cat was only a few weeks. Upper respiratory tract infections in cats is usually caused by bacteria or virus, which is usually transmitted when cats are being sneezed or breath.
Symptoms: sneezing is the main symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in cats. Although sometimes the kitten will be a sticky yellowish discharge from the eyes and runny nose. If the cat to have difficulty breathing or refuse to eat, the situation is already serious meaning.
Treatment: Bring the cat to the vet. If he can still eat and drink and feel comfortable and breathing normal, we can still put off until tomorrow. Upper respiratory tract infections in cats are very difficult to treat, especially that caused by a virus, because there is no cure anti virus which is really effective.
Recovery: after five to seven days, infection of the upper respiratory tract in cats tend to be reduced. But the virus usually remains in the cat's body, waiting to resurface and cause upper respiratory tract infections again at a later date.
2. the Feline Distemper
Feline Distemper (panleukopenia) is very rare, but it is very deadly. This is a virus that attacks the immune system of our cats and spend it not left. In other words, distemper nearly untreatable. Distemper vaccine is already available and given in routine. Feline Distemper can be transmitted through feces route that goes into the mouth, even in microscopic amounts of contaminated feces can cause feline distemper.
Symptoms: kittens affected by distemper usually seriously ill, suffering from vomiting, lack of appetite, and diarrhea is horrible-shaped white mucus.
Treatment: the kitten who suffer from feline distemper need to be hospitalized and isolated, so that the cat did not transmit the virus. Veterinarians often give them plenty of fluids and antibiotics to prevent secondary infections. Unfortunately kittens suffering from feline distemper is often in euthanasia.
3. intestinal Worms
The worm in the intestine can be a variety of types, all of which harm and could be a danger. Examples are roundworms, hookworms, whip worm, and they can get into the gut of cats and cause diarrhea (sometimes accompanied by blood), weight loss and difficult to grow.
Kittens usually become infected with a worm because it swallows the eggs of worms from another cat stool. Humans can also be infected with worms by eating fruit or vegetables that are infected with soil contact and has not been cleaned.
Symptoms: weight loss and diaere
Treatment: Provide routine anthelmintic on our kittens after eight weeks. Many of the specific anthelmintic cats available at veterinary clinics or ssbbw. It is important for our vet to check stool samples the cat to identify the type of worm-what is in the cat, so he could determine the type of anthelmintic that are suitable for our cats.
Recovery time: over the past two weeks, but there is a risk of getting infected. Because the kitten can eat the eggs of worms a new hatch a few weeks later.
4. Coccidia
Intestinal parasite is transmitted through feces that goes into the mouth, meaning that this parasite is transmitted when the kitten swallowing impurities. Unfortunately there is no vaccine to protect the kitten dar coccidia, but the good news is this is a rare disease.
Symptoms: diarrhea and dehydration and sometimes less appetite. The only way to check in is certainly is with check it out to the vet. The veterinarian will perform a fecal examination and some other checks.
Treatment: Drugs from our veterinarian
Recovery time: about a week after starting therapy, although some veterinarians can treat up to 3 weeks. Then the vet will check samples of stool again to check if still positive coccidia.
5. Head lice
The problem of ticks pretty much attacked a kitten and it's easy to be treated. Our kittens can get lice from the surrounding environment. This mite can be visible, or we could see the bug droppings – such as black pepper. When we melindas lice (louse and dirt), they will change to red because it is made from the blood that has been digested. We can find this mite feces and lice in the fur of our kittens.
Symptoms: itching and hair loss are common symptoms in cats affected by fleas.
Treatment: We may use a lice remedy available at animal clinics or ssbbw. It's been a lot of different kinds of lice remedies on the market. Always read the instructions and tick medicine label directions of use, how his measure and start what age a kitten may be given a drug for lice.
Recovery time: 24 hours
6. Ear Mites
Earmites in cats is similar to the spread of head lice. The form of those microscopic and are white, we could see it if we closely look at it, the size is only as big as a grain of salt. If it is severe, we could see a fragile skin cat ears because it sucked the blood by earmites.
Symptoms: the affected cat earmites Children will be scratching their ears and shook their heads. If the kucig shook his head too often, blood vessels can rupture and very painful for the cat
Treatment: we can give him medication in the form of ear drops on the cat.
Recovery time: one to two weeks.
That is 6 health problems often experienced a kitten. There are several diseases which we can avoid by keeping our environment clean, however there are some diseases that are very difficult to predict the origin first. If we already know our cats well, soon beware of small changes that occur in cats. Recognize abnormalities in cat early on can help the cat to immediately got medical treatment early. May be useful and a concern for catlovers who has kittens.
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