Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infection

Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infection - Tetanus toxin is a result of the process, not the nature of infection or inflammation and is caused by Clostridium tetani, are anaerobic gram-positive spore-forming rod-shaped. Neurotoxins that disrupt the performance of the nerve can cause sufferers to experience spasms and muscle stiffness which is the main symptoms of tetanus. These symptoms can cause sufferers jaw clenched tightly and could not be opened or commonly referred to as a locked jaw (lockjaw). Moreover, difficult swallowing problems can also be experienced by people with tetanus.

Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infection

Causes Tetanus

Clostridium tetani is found almost anywhere. These germs enter the body through:

  • Stabbing
  • Injuries crushed
  • Burns
  • Wounds contaminated with feces, soil or debris
  • Dental infections
  • Elective surgery
  • Peripheral ischemic ulcers
  • Objects that penetrate and embedded
  • Injecting and medical instruments for illegal abortion contaminated

Spores of the bacteria can enter the body and are in an inactive state for months and years. The spores will be transformed into vegetative forms in the state of the decrease in oxygen tension causing anaerobic environment. The vegetative form produces neurotoxins resulting tetanospasme system dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Symptoms or signs Tetanus

Usually the signs of tetanus will appear after 5 days or 2 weeks injured. But there are also signs of tetanus that appear after a few weeks of the victims were injured. And the slower the tetanus symptoms appear the more mild the disease occurs. Signs of mild tetanus is usually preceded by symptoms such as mouth rigid tetanus. As for cases of severe tetanus symptoms characterized by seizures is very great. But generally, the symptoms of tetanus is characterized by signs of tetanus as muscle spasms which over time will be faster, and foremost occurs in the jaw and neck. Then after that, symptoms of tetanus in the mouth making becomes difficult to open or gaping, face into a grin because the muscles of the face strained.

Occiput that become rigid and the emergence of seizures.
And the longer the patient will feel the tetanus symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, headache, fever with high temperature, easily aroused by a loud sound and sunlight is too bright and others. Meanwhile, if it occurs in newborn infants, the symptoms of tetanus usually marked by the baby does not want to suckle, her mouth became stiff and pout like shape of the fish's mouth. Symptoms such as this is one of the typical symptoms of tetanus in infants. Tetanus is one of the causes of death of the highest good that happens to the mother or the baby also. Cutting of the umbilical cord is not loose and affixed with certain herbs can not guarantee that existing hygiene and can cause tetanus in infants.

Prevention Tetanus

Prevention can be done on tetanus are:

  1. We recommend keeping the body that is not exposed deep wound, because the bacteria can only thrive in an acid deficiency in the body. If it was a deep wound for example due to punctured by a nail then immediately taken to the doctor. And if the child has not been vaccinated against the House of Representatives, then usually they will be given anti-tetanus serum. If it is, then it will usually be given injections or repeated booster vaccinations to help prevent the emergence of the disease.
  2. For mothers who are in a period of pregnancy and if the delivery was assisted by a shaman, you should give a tetanus shot in the last trimester of pregnancy or quarter. And so does the mother and child to be born in order to prevent tetanus.
  3. Avoid attaching the cord with ingredients that have not been kept clean. The umbilical cord should be given 70% alcohol or drugs are also given with the permission of a local doctor or midwife.
  4. Do not treat yourself if you are suffering from toothache and earache, as a tool or a hand that is not sterile could be the cause of the occurrence of tetanus.

Below are some risk factors that could cause tetanus are:

1. Lack of immunization and also not on tetanus immunization
2. Injury penetration could produce tetanus spores introduced by the wound site.
3. The presence of other bacterial infections
4. Injury Network
5. A foreign object or a similar fraction of the shard and paki
6. Swelling that occurs in the vicinity of the injury.

Some injuries that could be the trigger of the occurrence of tetanus is due to:

1. puncture wounds, including one that is flaky, body piercings, tattoos and due to drug injection.
2. Gunshot wounds
3. Compounds that occur due to broken bones
4. Crush injury
5. Burns
6. Injuries due to surgery
7. Ear pain or ear infection
8. Infection in the teeth
9. bites because animals
10. The leg ulcer was suffering from diabetes.

Therapy Treatment Tetanus

The therapy is supportive, are:
  • Controlling tetanospasme
  • Provide support cardiovascular and respiratory
  • Controlling arrhythmias
  • Reduce stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (reducing the stimulation of light and sound from outside, keep the environment quiet and not noisy)

Prophylactic Treatment For Tetanus Disease

Giving human tetanus hyperimmune globulin at least 500 U (with a dose range of 3000-6000 U) and giving antibiotics effective for Clostridium tetani for 10 days (penicillin, erythromycin, or metronidazole). In addition, the patient must perform meticulous wound care to neutralize toxins. As in the case of rabies, the act of washing, rinsing and wound debridement own right.

Tag: Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infected,  tetanus treatment,early,symptoms of tetanus,how do you get tetanus,causes of tetanus,tetanus prevention,tetanus diagnosis,tetanus shot symptoms,tetanus transmission

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