6 Types Of Diseases That Often Strike The Kitten

6 Types Of Diseases That Often Strike The Kitten - Congratulations, finally our cat has given birth to her children! Our family will grow again with the arrival of the kitty-cat this small. Baby cat is very funny because such a small-sized fur bundle, but of course these babies will grow up to be active kittens and a great curiosity, before he eventually becomes an adult cat is full of confidence. Although it looks active and tend to want to explore the surrounding area as soon as possible, but the immune system is not yet fully developed kittens as in adult cats, therefore more risky kittens affected by illness or other health problems when they were younger.

6 Types Of Diseases That Often Strike The Kitten

Keep the kittens stay with its mother for certain periods it is strongly recommended that the kitten get kekebalannya through its mother's milk. In addition we can minimize the risk so that the kitten was not affected by the disease by ensuring that older cats don't go out or meet with other cats until they were given the vaccine. Yet we must still be vigilant because there are some health problems that are normally common in older cats. Curious about anything? Cattery.co.id will discuss it for catlovers.

1. Upper respiratory tract infections

Upper respiratory tract infections, such as feline calicivirus and feline herpes virus is famous as the "killer kitten", especially if the cat was only a few weeks. Upper respiratory tract infections in cats is usually caused by bacteria or virus, which is usually transmitted when cats are being sneezed or breath.

Symptoms: sneezing is the main symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in cats. Although sometimes the kitten will be a sticky yellowish discharge from the eyes and runny nose. If the cat to have difficulty breathing or refuse to eat, the situation is already serious meaning.

Treatment: Bring the cat to the vet. If he can still eat and drink and feel comfortable and breathing normal, we can still put off until tomorrow. Upper respiratory tract infections in cats are very difficult to treat, especially that caused by a virus, because there is no cure anti virus which is really effective.

Recovery: after five to seven days, infection of the upper respiratory tract in cats tend to be reduced. But the virus usually remains in the cat's body, waiting to resurface and cause upper respiratory tract infections again at a later date.

2. the Feline Distemper

Feline Distemper (panleukopenia) is very rare, but it is very deadly. This is a virus that attacks the immune system of our cats and spend it not left. In other words, distemper nearly untreatable. Distemper vaccine is already available and given in routine. Feline Distemper can be transmitted through feces route that goes into the mouth, even in microscopic amounts of contaminated feces can cause feline distemper.

Symptoms: kittens affected by distemper usually seriously ill, suffering from vomiting, lack of appetite, and diarrhea is horrible-shaped white mucus.

Treatment: the kitten who suffer from feline distemper need to be hospitalized and isolated, so that the cat did not transmit the virus. Veterinarians often give them plenty of fluids and antibiotics to prevent secondary infections. Unfortunately kittens suffering from feline distemper is often in euthanasia.

3. intestinal Worms

The worm in the intestine can be a variety of types, all of which harm and could be a danger. Examples are roundworms, hookworms, whip worm, and they can get into the gut of cats and cause diarrhea (sometimes accompanied by blood), weight loss and difficult to grow.

Kittens usually become infected with a worm because it swallows the eggs of worms from another cat stool. Humans can also be infected with worms by eating fruit or vegetables that are infected with soil contact and has not been cleaned.

Symptoms: weight loss and diaere

Treatment: Provide routine anthelmintic on our kittens after eight weeks. Many of the specific anthelmintic cats available at veterinary clinics or ssbbw. It is important for our vet to check stool samples the cat to identify the type of worm-what is in the cat, so he could determine the type of anthelmintic that are suitable for our cats.

Recovery time: over the past two weeks, but there is a risk of getting infected. Because the kitten can eat the eggs of worms a new hatch a few weeks later.

4. Coccidia

Intestinal parasite is transmitted through feces that goes into the mouth, meaning that this parasite is transmitted when the kitten swallowing impurities. Unfortunately there is no vaccine to protect the kitten dar coccidia, but the good news is this is a rare disease.

Symptoms: diarrhea and dehydration and sometimes less appetite. The only way to check in is certainly is with check it out to the vet. The veterinarian will perform a fecal examination and some other checks.

Treatment: Drugs from our veterinarian

Recovery time: about a week after starting therapy, although some veterinarians can treat up to 3 weeks. Then the vet will check samples of stool again to check if still positive coccidia.

5. Head lice

The problem of ticks pretty much attacked a kitten and it's easy to be treated. Our kittens can get lice from the surrounding environment. This mite can be visible, or we could see the bug droppings – such as black pepper. When we melindas lice (louse and dirt), they will change to red because it is made from the blood that has been digested. We can find this mite feces and lice in the fur of our kittens.

Symptoms: itching and hair loss are common symptoms in cats affected by fleas.

Treatment: We may use a lice remedy available at animal clinics or ssbbw. It's been a lot of different kinds of lice remedies on the market. Always read the instructions and tick medicine label directions of use, how his measure and start what age a kitten may be given a drug for lice.

Recovery time: 24 hours

6. Ear Mites

Earmites in cats is similar to the spread of head lice. The form of those microscopic and are white, we could see it if we closely look at it, the size is only as big as a grain of salt. If it is severe, we could see a fragile skin cat ears because it sucked the blood by earmites.

Symptoms: the affected cat earmites Children will be scratching their ears and shook their heads. If the kucig shook his head too often, blood vessels can rupture and very painful for the cat

Treatment: we can give him medication in the form of ear drops on the cat.

Recovery time: one to two weeks.

That is 6 health problems often experienced a kitten. There are several diseases which we can avoid by keeping our environment clean, however there are some diseases that are very difficult to predict the origin first. If we already know our cats well, soon beware of small changes that occur in cats. Recognize abnormalities in cat early on can help the cat to immediately got medical treatment early. May be useful and a concern for catlovers who has kittens.

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Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infection

Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infection - Tetanus toxin is a result of the process, not the nature of infection or inflammation and is caused by Clostridium tetani, are anaerobic gram-positive spore-forming rod-shaped. Neurotoxins that disrupt the performance of the nerve can cause sufferers to experience spasms and muscle stiffness which is the main symptoms of tetanus. These symptoms can cause sufferers jaw clenched tightly and could not be opened or commonly referred to as a locked jaw (lockjaw). Moreover, difficult swallowing problems can also be experienced by people with tetanus.

Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infection

Causes Tetanus

Clostridium tetani is found almost anywhere. These germs enter the body through:

  • Stabbing
  • Injuries crushed
  • Burns
  • Wounds contaminated with feces, soil or debris
  • Dental infections
  • Elective surgery
  • Peripheral ischemic ulcers
  • Objects that penetrate and embedded
  • Injecting and medical instruments for illegal abortion contaminated

Spores of the bacteria can enter the body and are in an inactive state for months and years. The spores will be transformed into vegetative forms in the state of the decrease in oxygen tension causing anaerobic environment. The vegetative form produces neurotoxins resulting tetanospasme system dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Symptoms or signs Tetanus

Usually the signs of tetanus will appear after 5 days or 2 weeks injured. But there are also signs of tetanus that appear after a few weeks of the victims were injured. And the slower the tetanus symptoms appear the more mild the disease occurs. Signs of mild tetanus is usually preceded by symptoms such as mouth rigid tetanus. As for cases of severe tetanus symptoms characterized by seizures is very great. But generally, the symptoms of tetanus is characterized by signs of tetanus as muscle spasms which over time will be faster, and foremost occurs in the jaw and neck. Then after that, symptoms of tetanus in the mouth making becomes difficult to open or gaping, face into a grin because the muscles of the face strained.

Occiput that become rigid and the emergence of seizures.
And the longer the patient will feel the tetanus symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, headache, fever with high temperature, easily aroused by a loud sound and sunlight is too bright and others. Meanwhile, if it occurs in newborn infants, the symptoms of tetanus usually marked by the baby does not want to suckle, her mouth became stiff and pout like shape of the fish's mouth. Symptoms such as this is one of the typical symptoms of tetanus in infants. Tetanus is one of the causes of death of the highest good that happens to the mother or the baby also. Cutting of the umbilical cord is not loose and affixed with certain herbs can not guarantee that existing hygiene and can cause tetanus in infants.

Prevention Tetanus

Prevention can be done on tetanus are:

  1. We recommend keeping the body that is not exposed deep wound, because the bacteria can only thrive in an acid deficiency in the body. If it was a deep wound for example due to punctured by a nail then immediately taken to the doctor. And if the child has not been vaccinated against the House of Representatives, then usually they will be given anti-tetanus serum. If it is, then it will usually be given injections or repeated booster vaccinations to help prevent the emergence of the disease.
  2. For mothers who are in a period of pregnancy and if the delivery was assisted by a shaman, you should give a tetanus shot in the last trimester of pregnancy or quarter. And so does the mother and child to be born in order to prevent tetanus.
  3. Avoid attaching the cord with ingredients that have not been kept clean. The umbilical cord should be given 70% alcohol or drugs are also given with the permission of a local doctor or midwife.
  4. Do not treat yourself if you are suffering from toothache and earache, as a tool or a hand that is not sterile could be the cause of the occurrence of tetanus.

Below are some risk factors that could cause tetanus are:

1. Lack of immunization and also not on tetanus immunization
2. Injury penetration could produce tetanus spores introduced by the wound site.
3. The presence of other bacterial infections
4. Injury Network
5. A foreign object or a similar fraction of the shard and paki
6. Swelling that occurs in the vicinity of the injury.

Some injuries that could be the trigger of the occurrence of tetanus is due to:

1. puncture wounds, including one that is flaky, body piercings, tattoos and due to drug injection.
2. Gunshot wounds
3. Compounds that occur due to broken bones
4. Crush injury
5. Burns
6. Injuries due to surgery
7. Ear pain or ear infection
8. Infection in the teeth
9. bites because animals
10. The leg ulcer was suffering from diabetes.

Therapy Treatment Tetanus

The therapy is supportive, are:
  • Controlling tetanospasme
  • Provide support cardiovascular and respiratory
  • Controlling arrhythmias
  • Reduce stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (reducing the stimulation of light and sound from outside, keep the environment quiet and not noisy)

Prophylactic Treatment For Tetanus Disease

Giving human tetanus hyperimmune globulin at least 500 U (with a dose range of 3000-6000 U) and giving antibiotics effective for Clostridium tetani for 10 days (penicillin, erythromycin, or metronidazole). In addition, the patient must perform meticulous wound care to neutralize toxins. As in the case of rabies, the act of washing, rinsing and wound debridement own right.

Tag: Symptoms or Signs Tetanus Infected,  tetanus treatment,early,symptoms of tetanus,how do you get tetanus,causes of tetanus,tetanus prevention,tetanus diagnosis,tetanus shot symptoms,tetanus transmission

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Symptoms and Signs Congenital Heart Disease In Infants And Children

Symptoms and Signs Congenital Heart Disease In Infants And Children - During this time, many thought that heart disease suffered by many people who are older and more mature, but it did not rule out heart disease can happen in infants or children. Even so, of course, the cause of heart disease in infants or children is different from an adult.

Symptoms and Signs Congenital Heart Disease In Infants And Children

Affected Baby Signs of Heart Disease

As quoted by of heart health expert explained that of the majority of heart disease suffered by children is congenital heart disease with abnormalities and some are caused by infections. The severity also varies from mild to severe ones. And of the cases were mostly found that the cause is an abnormality or a leak in the chambers of the heart.

As expressed by DR. Dr. Mulyadi M. Djer. SpA (K) which is a child specialist from RSCM / FKUI reveals bring the cause of most often caused by a leak in the booth, approximately 30 percent and 5 percent of the total blood vessels reverse heart disease.

According to Dr. Mulyadi trigger abnormalities of heart disease in children is comprised of various risk factors, such as pregnant women who consume drugs beyond the recipes that have given doctors, pregnant women who have a habit of smoking, disease, radiation exposure up to a factor due to problems at the genetic (hereditary ).

Thanks to the power of technology, if there is a severe heart defects in babies can be readily detected using ultrasound, but for who experience heart disease at levels generally mild undetected until after birth. There is also a new note that infant heart disease after the age of two-three weeks, of course, the baby needs treatment immediately so important to know how the signs are emerging that do help quickly.

Dr. Mulyadi explained that there are several characteristics of heart disease in infants usually appear as blue lips, blue Lindah and also shortness of breathing. However, at levels somewhat worse when lahirpun already visible, in contrast to the light level is not so visible and even some are only detected after the age of adulthood.

Well, to avoid the risk of heart disorders in infants of course, pregnant women should be very concerned about the condition of his body, especially when the pregnancy reaches 12 weeks of the heart organ in a baby has been formed. So that pregnant women should be careful to maintain good health for the baby to be born healthy.

Hopefully useful thank you for reading the article Signs of Heart Disease Affected Baby, you can read articles about other heart here. Additionally heart health expert explained provide interesting information about your daily health.

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Cardiac Disorders in Infants: Color Blue

Generally, babies are born with skin color and also all red, but for some cases of heart defects in babies is the appearance of a blue color in several places, ranging from a baby who looks more blue when crying, ranging from nails, lips and tongue. This will happen again when the baby uses a lot of energy, such as during bowel movements, breastfeeding and do some things that drain energy.

In addition, a baby's face that shows the wheel is different from the heart will look more pale and bluish. It is a disorder that must be wary of. Children who suffer from heart defects since the baby will be more silent. This is not normal for a newborn.

Cardiac Disorders in Infants: No Color Blue

Precisely, not the change in the baby's skin is more dangerous, because doctors and parents do not know that the baby is suffering from congenital heart defects. As a result, diagnosis is often delayed. However, there are some symptoms that need attention, such as shortness of breath, lazy breastfeeding and inactivity, even impressed a deep sleep continuously. This mark will be seen more clearly after experiencing shortness of breath breath and convulsions due to heart abnormalities.

Instead, you anticipate it by asking the doctor to check the baby overall. Babies with heart defects are not blue but this will be more serious and difficult to make the handling of the absence of contraction or signs directly. For moms as expectant parents, husband and wife should have extensive knowledge of the baby, you should start looking for information before planning a pregnancy. Many parents were late to recognize the symptoms of heart abnormalities in children. As a result, the child's condition is detected too late and the doctor would not be able to do many things, especially if the baby's condition.

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The symptoms can be found in babies with congenital heart disease are as follows:

1.At the time of the baby:

  • Can be found at birth respiratory disorders. In severe can even result in death. In PJB blue, the child appears blue even though no shortness of breath and active. However, the complex symptoms of shortness of breath and blue can appear simultaneously
  • In some cases severe and complex, newborns soon deteriorated and died within two days along with Botalli arteriosus closing vessels. PJB latter is referred to as CHD depend on duct (duct-dependent lesions) Children suck is not strong, often releasing the mother's nipple a quick break and then continued to drink again.
  • When sucking / drinking, baby seems to sweat a lot in the forehead, panting. Drinking can not be much and not for long.
  • Weight loss is not increasing or rose less than charts / ribbon corresponding growth in KMS.
  • Kids often cough and shortness of breath are often referred to as pneumonia or bronchopneumonia.
  • The body's resistance to disease is less, as a result, babies are often sick.
  • Children who suffer from CHD blue, birth appear bluish in the mouth and tongue and fingertips, even though the child seemed active cheerful and strong cry. In some children, the bluish color of the mouth, tongue and fingertips are only visible after a few months old.
  • Blue attacks can occur in children with congenital heart disease that is characterized by blue baby does not stop crying continuously-stop. Children appear increasingly blue, gasping for breath. When severe, it can lead to seizures and even death.
  • Heart defects often discovered accidentally by a doctor when the baby For other diseases or medical treatment when it comes to immunization. The doctor heard a heart murmur when checking the baby's heart using a stethoscope.

2.Symptoms in children

  • The child's weight rose unsatisfactory in other words stunted
  • delayed development
  • Tired while playing, panting, sweating a lot more than the other children.
  • Children who suffer from CHD blue: look bluish in the mouth, tongue and fingertips, often squat while playing, so jari2 rounded fingertips seemed like a drum beater.
  • Blue attacks characterized by panting, the child looks more blue than usual, resulting in a child when severe fainting and even Dead. Growth late development was

What should parents do if encountered signs and symptoms of the above?

Symptoms and signs of breathing, activity and resistance to weight gain is the most common and are markers of early and important in CHD. Therefore, when encounter this, please do not hesitate to immediately see a child to the doctor. Can a GP or pediatrician first, but to ensure the type of disorder is required referral to a consultant pediatrician heart disease the child for further tests using echocardiography and perhaps even required further examination that are invasive, ie cardiac catheterization.

Do not postpone the examination of fear, what if then "shopping" in the past ranging from midwives, herbalists, traditional medicine, various doctors and clinics, in addition to wasting money and time, delay diagnosis will be able to adversely impact the health.

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Hopefully the above post titled Symptoms and Signs Congenital Heart Disease In Infants And Children can be useful for you all with some information about the signs of bronchitis above. And if deign try to share this article to your friends on facebook or other social media.
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Characteristics of the Disease Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Characteristics of the Disease Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure - Old or young, male or female turned out to be just the same kidney disease if not maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only the skin or other body parts are aging as well as the kidney, the kidney with age also experiencing aging person's age appropriate. Therefore for those who are elderly are strongly advised to check with their kidneys can be seen regularly in order to continue his condition.

However, it appears kidney disease could have attacked a young age, not just the elderly. According to one of the main specialists in internal medicine and kidney dr consultation stumps D. Situmorang, SpPD-KGH revealed that at a young age is not a little younger with renal failure. Therefore everyone should strive to keep her kidney to function properly.

Characteristics of the Disease Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure
Image Source: www.cdc.gov

Kidney is one of the most important human organ that serves as a means expenditures (excretion) of humans that remove the remnants of the metabolism of the human body. If the human kidney is not functioning properly then the metabolic waste that can not be removed from the body of toxins that would be very dangerous and this is called kidney failure by the medical.

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Disease Kidney Failure

What's Disease Kidney Failure? When described in more detail kidney disease is a disease in which kidney function be dropped resulting in the kidneys are less able to work well for filtering body electrolytes, maintaining the balance of chemicals in the body (sodium and potassium) in the blood or urine output and fluid balance.

What causes a person affected by kidney failure? There are many possible causes for a person affected by kidney disease include hypertension, diabetes, cancer, renal disease, urinary tract blockage or damage to the cells that serve to filter in the kidneys.

Many people who do not know clearly kidney disease, most simply understood that kidney failure is a form of kidney damage, even though there are several types of diagnosis of kidney failure. Among the diagnosis of kidney disease are as follows:

1.Disease Acute Renal Failure

Acute Renal Failure (ARF) is a diagnosis of kidney which is the first of its kind, on this diagnosis a person experiences a decline in kidney function that occurs suddenly previously normal circumstances her kidney. In some cases treatment is given by way of treatment by taking a dialysis therapy or blood laundering.

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2.Disease Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a second type of diagnosis, the disease Chronic Renal Failure are phases or stages keparagan: stage 1, 2, 3 and 4. Patients have the results of the glomerulus filtration rate below 60 ml / min / 1 , 73m2 and has been more than three months. Chronic Renal Failure This type of damage has reached three months initially found that the structure of histopathology in the kidneys are damaged functional abnormalities in the urine tests and blood tests.

Then on the fifth stage of CRF is terminal renal failure that in this phase the patient kidney function is already highly decreased or have the results of LFG is below 15ml / min / 1,73m2 that causes uremia that disruption of the blood platelets so that patients must do renal therapy that functions as a substitute so that kidney function may be taken over in removing toxic substances (toxins) that are in the body.

There are also acute renal failure, in this phase it is important to maintain the lifestyle to prevent the body in more dangerous conditions, according to Prof. Rully said that: "an ounce of prevention is much more important and highly valuable than the given one kilo of treatment.

Quoted from Lifestyle Okezone, according to Prof. Rully: "Disease Acute Kidney Failure is the advanced stages of chronic renal failure in the previous stages of health the patient's body in a stable condition. Also in some cases important to do dialysis or washing the blood that serves to replace the damaged kidney function so that patients can survive. "He added.

Quoted from other sources that HealthMeUp, that according to the Head of Nephrology of Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute in New Delhi Dr Sanjiv Saxena Telling that, "Disease Kidney Failure more triggered by the occurrence of adverse effects on patients with diabetes Millitus, hypertension, kidney stones and also drugs antibiotics and painkillers. This disease should be wary because they do not have early symptoms of kidney disease specific. "

He added again for patients with diseases such as diabetes and hypertension Millitus advisable to frequently check blood sugar levels and blood pressure and also frequent check-up.

Better to prevent than to cure. Perhaps the adage that are most appropriate for disease problems. Prevention of kidney disease can be done with a healthy lifestyle, food control, do not consume alcohol, bedal maintain ideal weight, reduce fatty foods and cholesterol, avoid smoking and physical activity tingakatkan by exercising regularly.

Tag: Characteristics of the Disease Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure,signs and symptoms of kidney disease,early symptoms of kidney infection,early symptoms of kidney stones,early stages of kidney disease,early symptoms of liver disease,signs and symptoms of kidney cancer,signs and symptoms of kidney problems,causes of kidney disease

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Hopefully the above post titled Characteristics of the Disease Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure can be useful for you all with some information about the signs of bronchitis above. And if deign try to share this article to your friends on facebook or other social media.
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Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever And First Aid

Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever And First Aid - Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or abbreviated DHF is caused by dengue virus is transmitted through the bite of Aedes mosquito or Aedes albopictus aegipty androgynous females. Mosquitoes legged white pinto this bite humans during the day.

Consists of four dengue virus types (strains), ie, dengue type 1, 2, 3 and 4. However, the dominant type in Indonesia are type 3 dengue virus causes disturbances in capillary blood vessels and blood clotting system that cause bleeding, can cause death ,Usually, the dengue fever outbreak when the season is changing from rainy season to dry season, or vice versa.

Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever And First Aid
Image Source: www.calldoctor.co.in

Symptoms of dengue disease until now it was not unexpected. But in general, this disease has a characteristic such as high heat, dizziness, even vomiting blood. But unfortunately, the same symptoms often found in other diseases. As a result, until now often misdiagnosed. Therefore, you should be more vigilant and recognize other symptoms.

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Symptoms of Dengue Fever

1. Sudden high heat for 2-7 days, looked limp body temperature between 38ºC to 40ºC or more.

2. Looks bint-red spots on the skin, and if stretched skin rash that does not disappear.

3. Sometimes the bleeding in the nose (nosebleeds).

4. There may be vomiting blood or dysentery

5. torniquet test positive

6. The presence of bleeding petechiae, or purpura akimosis

7. Sometimes heartburn, because there is bleeding in the barn

8. When severe, the patient anxiety, the end of the cold hands and feet Sweating mucosal bleeding mucous membranes, gastrointestinal digestive apparatus, the injection site or other place

9. Haematemesis or melena

10. Thrombocytopenia (= 100,000 per mm3)

11. Enlargement plasma closely related with the increase in permeability of the blood vessel wall, which is marked by the emergence of one or more of the following:

  • The increase in hematocrit value of 20% or more depending on the age and sex
  • The decline in hematocrit from baseline of 20% or more after treatment
  • Signs of plasma enlargement namely pleural effusion, ascites, hypo -proteinaemia

First Aid Patients with Dengue

Dr Rita explained in handling dengue cases just need to play with a liquid, the event of leakage must be a lot of drinking, but when the leak is complete then within 2 × 24 hours of fluid intake should be reduced.

Here are some things you can do as a form of first aid to patients with dengue fever are:
  1. Give drink as much as possible.
  2. Compress so that the heat down.
  3. Give febrifuge.
  4. If within 3 days of fever did not go down or even increased immediately brought to the hospital or clinic.
  5. If you can not drink or persistent vomiting, kondiai worsens, decreased consciousness or missing then it should be treated in hospital.

Modes of Transmission of Dengue

Dengue is transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti containing dengue virus.

  • The characteristics of the mosquito Aedes aegypti:
  • Black and striped belang- (camouflage) and white on the entire body
  • Breeding in water reservoirs (TPA) and items that allow stagnant water such as: Bathtub, jars, drums, flower vases, old tires, etc.
  • Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes can not breed in gutters / drains or ponds where the water is directly related to land
  • Usually bite humans in the morning or late afternoon
  • Being able to fly up to 100 meters

When people find a family member or neighbor in an environment with symptoms that indicate the presence of dengue, was immediately taken to the health center for examination platelets.

How to Prevention, Treatment and Handling

How prevention is done by:

1. Eradication
Mosquito eradication nest by the way; Drain, close, burying thrift can become breeding places of mosquitoes.

2. Fogging or fumigation
Foging implemented in cases with positive PE, 2 positive patients or more, found three patients with fever within a radius of 100 m from the residence of DHF patients Positive or No 1 DHF patients died

3. Abatisasi
That is by sprinkling abate powder into the bath or water reservoirs.

4. The early warning system
Reports disease patients from the hospital were sent to the health center in the region of the patient to do an epidemiological investigation.

Treatment of the disease is primarily intended to overcome the bleeding, prevent / treat shock / presyok to try to get people to drink a lot, when necessary fluids through an IV. Fever cultivated lowered by cold compresses or antipiretika.

How to handle dengue patients, among others:

  1. Monitor the patient's body temperature every day
  2. Take the patient back to the doctor if the fever lasts 3 days
  3. Rest and adequate fluid intake is two things that are very important in patients with dengue virus infection.
  4. If the patient is getting weak, vomiting, difficulty eating or drinking, intravenous fluids should be done by a doctor.
  5. When laboratory results show no signs of decreased platelets or increased hematocrit, the patient must be hospitalized.
  6. Patients are monitored should be no shock that is characterized by a sense of weakness, drowsiness, and fainting, while the legs feel cold at all.
Now this is a transition from the rainy season to the dry season when dengue mosquitoes were breeding. Therefore, good understanding of the symptoms of dengue fever is beneficial to prevent outbreaks of this disease.

Tag: Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever And First Aid,pathophysiology of dengue hemorrhagic fever,dengue hemorrhagic fever treatment,dengue hemorrhagic fever criteria,dengue hemorrhagic fever grading,dengue hemorrhagic fever ppt,dengue hemorrhagic fever pdf,dengue hemorrhagic fever definition,dengue hemorrhagic fever case study

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